Layanan Perizinan Pertambangan

  • Izin Usaha Jasa Pertambangan (IUJP)
  • Izin Usaha Pengangkutan-Penjualan (IPP)
  • Permohonan Eksportir Terdaftar (ET) Batubara

Jasa pengurusan et-batubara

Project Progress

Funds Growth

Industrial Waste

Industry Solutions

We also provide winter maintenance and support to the emergency services as part of our long term partnerships, often working in joint venture partnerships to create the best blend of skills and experience. Vestibulum posuere gravida lectus. Curabitur eget efficitur sapien. Donec pellentesque blandit ligula, in rutrum massa eleifend sit amet.

Partner Support

Working in collaboration with our customers, joint venture and supply chain we deliver road.


While working on the construction of new roads and the upgrade of existing roads, the safety of the public.

Structure Works

Our civil engineering expertise allows us to produce fully value-engineered options for the construction of new.

New technology

Technological innovation helps us shorten construction time and increase construction quality.

Latest News

Eksportir Terdaftar Batubara yang selanjutnya disebut ET-Batubara adalah perusahaan yang telah mendapat pengakuan untuk melakukan ekspor produk pertambangan Batubara. Persyaratan permohonan Eksportir Terdaftar:
  1. Surat permohonan
  2. Akta dan SK perusahaan
  3. NPWP perusahaan
  4. NIB
  5. Izin Usaha (IUP/IPP)
  6. Nota Kesepahaman dengan IUP/IUPK/Izin Pertambangan Rakyat Operasi Produksi/ Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara/Kontrak Karya asal Mineral atau batubara;
  Untuk mempermudah dalam mengajukan permohonan IUJP Anda bisa konsultasi ke nomor kami berikut ini 0822-6298-2228  
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